Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Genshosha LLC. is committed to protecting the privacy of all our customers. This Consumer Privacy Policy applies to the personal data that we collect and use for our customers and those making inquiries through our website, partner agents, or by contacting us directly. By providing your personal data to us you acknowledge that it will be processed in accordance with this policy.

2. Who is responsible for your data

Genshosha LLC. is responsible for all data collected on our website and through direct communications with our consumers.

3. Personal data we collect about you

We collect personal data for a variety of purposes as outlined in the table below and in section 4. You will provide much of this data to us directly by completing online forms or by communicating with our employees but we also gather some data via the digital interactions that you have with us.

The below table lists all the data Genshosha LLC. may collect from you, when we collect it, and how we use it.

Information Collected When this information is collected How this information is used
Name, phone number, email address You submit a ‘Contact Us’ form We use this information to respond to your ‘contact us’ inquiry
Information about how you use our website including IP address and Google Analytics You browse our website We use this information to help us improve our website.

4. Additional ways we may use your data

  • To personalize and improve your customer experience. We may use your personal data to tailor our services to your needs and preferences and to provide you with a personalized customer experience.

  • To meet our legal obligations. We are required to keep certain records for legal reasons – for example invoices that we issue. We will keep and use this data in line with our legal requirements.

  • For market research and to deliver business insight to help us ensure that our products and services remain relevant.

5. Special Category Personal Data

The definition of Sensitive Personal Data includes data related to health and religious beliefs. As a result of you sharing information about allergies, dietary requirements, and medical conditions with us, you may reveal health data or religious beliefs. Sensitive Data will only be used in order to accommodate requirements during your Japan trip.

6. Sharing your personal data

We are reliant on a number of 3rd party providers in order to provide our services. Where this is the case we will remain in control of the data and we will ensure that the 3rd parties comply with high security standards for the protection of your personal data.

Our 3rd party providers include:

  • Our cloud storage system – Google Drive (

  • Our company communication software – Slack (

7. Retention and Security of your Data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary. This duration will depend on the type of data and the reason for processing it. For example:

  • We will ensure that we use appropriate technical and organizational security measures in order to ensure that your data remains secure. These measures include internal policies and staff training, appropriate contracts with 3rd party suppliers and role based access control.

8. Disclosure, correction, etc., and suspension of use of personal information

When we receive a request for correction, etc. (correction, addition, deletion) or suspension of use, etc. (suspension or discontinuation of use), we will respond to the request to the extent that it does not interfere with our business after confirming that the request is made by the person in question. If we are unable to respond to your request, we will explain the reason for our inability to do so. Please contact the following office to make such a request.
Please note that we may delete personal information after a certain period of time has elapsed, in which case we will not be able to respond to requests for disclosure, correction, etc. of the deleted personal information.

9. Cookies

Like many other businesses we use cookies on our website. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device that record how you use the site.

10. Updates to our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, when we do we will publish the updated version on our website.

11. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this policy or how your data is processed, please contact us at:

Genshosha LLC.
Ro-160, Yunotsu, Yunotsu city, Oda
Shimane, 699-2501, Japan
